Monday, March 10, 2014

Sensor Belt Prototype - Record ECG at your Ease !!

Talking from personal experience, my dad just went through a bypass surgery and luckily the problem was detected well before an emergency case and his operation well successful too. But then I thought how many such people would be lucky to diagnose the problem well before and I found that only 75.37 % people are lucky in this case. The reason is just that they don't feel any pain in their chest but internally the heart failure program slowly increases and reaches to such an extent that an emergency case arises. But now a new sensor belt prototype is being made that allows an ECG to be recorded around the clock for up to six months, increasing the chances a problem to be discovered and treated before an emergency strike.

Electrocardiograms (ECGs) measure the heart’s electrical conducting system using electrodes attached to the skin allowing it to measure the heartbeat rate and regularity time to time. The new sensor belt prototype developed by researchers in Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is able to continuously measure the heartbeat rate and breathing frequency over a period of time without inserting anything into the skin. The belt has four dry electrodes embedded inside it and can record over 1GB of data over a period of week, and then the memory card can be read and the accumulator can be recharged. The best part is that to record the data the patient doesn’t require a doctor; he can put on the belt himself.

The team says the device could also be used to rule out heart problems in the diagnosis of atrial fibrillation and spontaneous losses of consciousness, which affect about 400,000 patients in Germany alone. Work is under process to develop the sensor belt prototype into a medical product for application in day-to-day life.

Source: KIT

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