Monday, March 3, 2014

No Radio Signal ? - Message through Vodka soon !!

Researches at Warwick University and York University have created a molecular messaging system capable of transmitting data over several meters costing around US$100 and some vodka.

 The system mimics chemical signalling seen in nature and has potential applications for communications in environments not compatible with conventional wireless technologies, such as underwater, in tunnels and pipelines, as well as at the nano scale and within the body. The first demonstration signal, performed in Canada, was “O Canada,” from the Canadian national anthem. It was sent several meters across open space before it was decoded by a receiver. The chemical signal, using the alcohol found in vodka in this case, was sent four metres across the lab with the aid of a tabletop fan. It was then demodulated by a receiver which measured the rate of change in concentration of the alcohol molecules, picking up whether the concentration was increasing or decreasing.

The team will now set up a company that aims to bring a range of academic and industrial products to the market within 6 months to 1 year.

Source: DVICE

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